York Ward Profiles 2024-25 Q2
These are the York ward profiles containing information up to September 2024 on the 21 electoral wards using the post May 2015 election boundaries.
Overall Public Realm Standard Cleansing cases dealt with that breached SLA (S...
Overall Public Realm Standard Cleansing cases dealt with that breached SLA (SLA set in 2016)
Overall Public Realm Standard Cleansing cases completed within SLA (SLA set i...
Overall Public Realm Standard Cleansing cases completed within SLA (SLA set in 2016)
GRAFFITI - Number of non-offensive issues dealt with that breached SLA target...
GRAFFITI - Number of non-offensive issues dealt with that breached SLA target time (SLA set in 2016)
GRAFFITI - Number of offensive issues dealt with that breached SLA target tim...
GRAFFITI - Number of offensive issues dealt with that breached SLA target time (SLA set in 2016)
York Profile
York Profile.
STREET CLEANING - Number of issues reported
STREET CLEANING - Number of issues reported
Number of Complaints (All Stages) - Waste Services
Number of Complaints (All Stages) - Waste Services
% of food premises that are classified as broadly compliant - (YTD)
% of food premises that are classified as broadly compliant - (YTD)
Number of MARAC cases Discussed
Number of MARAC cases Discussed *This indicator has been discontinued
Community Protection Notices - Other
Community Protection Notices - Other
Community Protection Notices - Waste accumulation on residential property
Community Protection Notices - Waste accumulation on residential property
Community Protection Notices - Dog Fouling (Private or communal areas)
Community Protection Notices - Dog Fouling (Private or communal areas)
Fixed Penalty Notices - Household Waste Duty of Care
Fixed Penalty Notices - Household Waste Duty of Care
Fixed Penalty Notices - S43 Fly posting
Fixed Penalty Notices - S43 Fly posting
Fixed Penalty Notices - Flytipping
Fixed Penalty Notices - Flytipping
Fixed Penalty Notices - S47 Commercial Waste
Fixed Penalty Notices - S47 Commercial Waste
Fixed Penalty Notices - S46 Household Waste presentation
Fixed Penalty Notices - S46 Household Waste presentation
Fixed Penalty Notices - S34 non production of waste transfer notes/licences
Fixed Penalty Notices - S34 non production of waste transfer notes/licences
Fixed Penalty Notices - Litter
Fixed Penalty Notices - Litter
Fixed Penalty Notices - Dog Fouling
Fixed Penalty Notices - Dog Fouling
Performance Indicators : Crime and Community Safety
Key Performance Indicators related to Crime and Community Safety
Hate Crimes as Recorded by NYP
Hate Crimes as Recorded by NYP. As per Crown Prosecution Service's definition a hate crime is considered to be any criminal offence which is perceived by the victim or any...
Number of prosecutions (Duty of Care over waste)
Number of prosecutions (Duty of Care over waste)
Number of children subject to a Child Protection Plan - (Snapshot)
Number of children subject to a Child Protection Plan - (Snapshot)