% of working age population in employment (16-64)
% of working age population in employment (16-64)
Employment Rate (%) (Female)
Employment Rate (%) (Female)
Employment Rate (%) (Male)
Employment Rate (%) (Male)
Workless Households % of all Households
Workless Households % of all Households
% of Part time employees
% of Part time employees
% of Full-time employees
% of Full-time employees
York’s unemployment rate below the national (%pt) - (Snapshot)
York’s unemployment rate below the national (%pt) - (Snapshot)
Total Employee Jobs
Total Employee Jobs
Total In Employment
Total In Employment
% of working age population qualified - to at least L4 and above (New methodo...
% of working age population qualified - to at least L4 and above (New methodology from 2022/23)
% of working age population qualified - to at least L3 and above (New methodo...
% of working age population qualified - to at least L3 and above (New methodology from 2022/23)
% of working age population qualified - to at least L2 and above (New methodo...
% of working age population qualified - to at least L2 and above (New methodology from 2022/23)
% of working age population qualified - to at least L1 and above (New methodo...
% of working age population qualified - to at least L1 and above (New methodology from 2022/23)
% of working age population qualified - No qualifications (New methodology fr...
% of working age population qualified - No qualifications (New methodology from 2022/23)
Working age population with qualification at NVQ4+ (%) (Rank out of 64)
Working age population with qualification at NVQ4+ (%) (Rank out of 64)
Employment rate (%) (Rank out of 64)
Employment rate (%) (Rank out of 64)
Number of Apprenticeships starts - York resident young people aged 25+
Number of Apprenticeships starts - York resident young people aged 25+
Number of Apprenticeships starts - York resident young people aged 19-24
Number of Apprenticeships starts - York resident young people aged 19-24
Number of Apprenticeships starts - York resident young people aged 16-18
Number of Apprenticeships starts - York resident young people aged 16-18
% of young people aged 16-18 in Apprenticeships (as a proportion of 16-18 pre...
% of young people aged 16-18 in Apprenticeships (as a proportion of 16-18 previously in a York Secondary School)
Public Sector Apprenticeship Target
This data is published in accordance with the Public Sector Apprenticeship Target. Public Bodies employing more than 250 people are required to have regard to the target of 2.3%...
Indices of Multiple Deprivation in York
The English Indices of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) 2019 were published on 26th September 2019. The data sources used in each indicator were based on data from the most recent...
Proportion of adults with a learning disability in paid employment
Proportion of adults with a learning disability in paid employment
Ward Committee Approved Funding
These are the local improvement schemes and grant projects funded through Ward Committee funding. The data in 2020/2021 are the schemes that have been approved for ward...
% of residents who volunteer at least once a month (All Responses)
% of residents who volunteer at least once a month (All Responses) *This indicator is discontinued