STREET CLEANING - Number of issues reported
STREET CLEANING - Number of issues reported
Tonnage commingled - All CYC Vehicles (Weekly Average)
Tonnage commingled - All CYC Vehicles (Weekly Average)
% waste recycled - All CYC Vehicles
% waste recycled - All CYC Vehicles
Tonnage commingled - All CYC Vehicles
Tonnage commingled - All CYC Vehicles
Tonnage composted (green) - All CYC Vehicles
Tonnage composted (green) - All CYC Vehicles
Tonnage recycled - All CYC Vehicles
Tonnage recycled - All CYC Vehicles
Tonnage landfilled (AWRP from 2018/19) (inc commercial) - All CYC Vehicles
Tonnage landfilled (AWRP from 2018/19) (inc commercial) - All CYC Vehicles
% of panel who think that the council and partners are not doing well encoura...
% of panel who think that the council and partners are not doing well encouraging the use of low emission vehicles
% of panel who think that the council and partners are doing well encouraging...
% of panel who think that the council and partners are doing well encouraging the use of low emission vehicles
% of panel who think that the council and partners are not doing well helping...
% of panel who think that the council and partners are not doing well helping to reduce carbon footprint
% of panel who think that the council and partners are doing well helping to ...
% of panel who think that the council and partners are doing well helping to reduce carbon footprint
% of panel who think that the council and partners are not doing well helping...
% of panel who think that the council and partners are not doing well helping to reduce amount of household waste
% of panel who think that the council and partners are doing well helping to ...
% of panel who think that the council and partners are doing well helping to reduce amount of household waste
% of panel who think that the council and partners are doing well at improvin...
% of panel who think that the council and partners are doing well at improving the quality of streets/public spaces
% of panel who think that the council and partners are not doing well at impr...
% of panel who think that the council and partners are not doing well at improving the quality of streets/public spaces
% of Talkabout panel who think that the council are not doing well at improvi...
% of Talkabout panel who think that the council are not doing well at improving green spaces
% of Talkabout panel who think that the council are doing well at improving g...
% of Talkabout panel who think that the council are doing well at improving green spaces
% of panel who think that the council and partners are not doing well at redu...
% of panel who think that the council and partners are not doing well at reducing air pollution
% of panel who think that the council and partners are doing well at reducing...
% of panel who think that the council and partners are doing well at reducing air pollution
Number of trees managed within CYC Ezytree application
Number of trees managed within CYC Ezytree application
Fixed Penalty Notices - Household Waste Duty of Care
Fixed Penalty Notices - Household Waste Duty of Care
Calls for Service - Vegetation (includes weeds and overgrown hedges) - (Rolli...
Calls for Service - Vegetation (includes weeds and overgrown hedges) - (Rolling 12 months)
STREET LIGHTING - % of streetlights with LEDs
STREET LIGHTING - % of streetlights with LEDs
STREET LIGHTING - Total number of Streetlights
STREET LIGHTING - Total number of Streetlights
STREET LIGHTING - % issues resolved within target time (SLA)
STREET LIGHTING - % issues resolved within target time (SLA)