Absolute gap in hospital admission ratio for self-harm between highest and lo...
Absolute gap in hospital admission ratio for self-harm between highest and lowest York ward ( 5 year aggregated)
Gap in years in Life Expectancy at birth for Females between highest and lowe...
Gap in years in Life Expectancy at birth for Females between highest and lowest York ward (5 year aggregated)
Gap in years in Life Expectancy at birth for Males between highest and lowest...
Gap in years in Life Expectancy at birth for Males between highest and lowest York ward (5 year aggregated)
Absolute gap in mortality ratio for deaths from circulatory disease (under 75...
Absolute gap in mortality ratio for deaths from circulatory disease (under 75) between highest and lowest York ward (5 year aggregated)
Proportion of population aged 15 to 24 screened for chlamydia (%)
Proportion of population aged 15 to 24 screened for chlamydia (%)
Chlamydia diagnoses (15-24 year olds), per 100,000 population
Chlamydia diagnoses (15-24 year olds), per 100,000 population
Hospital admissions for dental caries (0-5 years), per 100,000 population
Hospital admissions for dental caries (0-5 years), per 100,000 population
% of total births where low birth weight recorded (under 2500g)
% of total births where low birth weight recorded (under 2500g)
Hospital admissions due to substance misue (15-24 years), per 100,000 population
Hospital admissions due to substance misue (15-24 years), per 100,000 population
Children with one or more decayed, missing or filled teeth
Children with one or more decayed, missing or filled teeth
Child mortality rate (1-17 years), per 100,000 population
Child mortality rate (1-17 years), per 100,000 population
No of council homes in York failing to meet the decency standard
No of council homes in York failing to meet the decency standard
Gap in employment rate for mental health clients and the overall employment rate
Gap in employment rate for mental health clients and the overall employment rate *This indicator has been discontinued
Public Access Trauma Kits - September 2024
This dataset is provided by Make It York
% of deaths registered within 5 days
% of deaths registered within 5 days
% of still births registered within 42 days
% of still births registered within 42 days
% of births registered within 42 days
% of births registered within 42 days
Total population aged 65 and over predicted to have dementia
Total population aged 65 and over predicted to have dementia
Cancer screening coverage - breast cancer (% eligible women screened adequate...
Cancer screening coverage - breast cancer (% eligible women screened adequately within previous 3 years)
Hospital admissions caused by unintentional and deliberate injuries in childr...
Hospital admissions caused by unintentional and deliberate injuries in children (aged 0-14 years) (per 10,000 resident population)
Injuries due to falls in people aged 65 and over (per 100,000 population)
Injuries due to falls in people aged 65 and over (per 100,000 population)
% of adults (aged 19+) that meet CMO recommendations for physical activity (1...
% of adults (aged 19+) that meet CMO recommendations for physical activity (150+ moderate intensity equivalent minutes per week)
Throughput of visits to leisure facilities (GLL) - All Facilities (Average pe...
Throughput of visits to leisure facilities (GLL) - All Facilities (Average per 1,000 Population)
Admitted to hospital with alcohol-related conditions (Narrow): Females, all a...
Admitted to hospital with alcohol-related conditions (Narrow): Females, all ages (per 100,000 population)
Admitted to hospital with alcohol-related conditions (Narrow): Males, all age...
Admitted to hospital with alcohol-related conditions (Narrow): Males, all ages (per 100,000 population)