School Ofsted Rating - Primary: Requires improvement -%
School Ofsted Rating - Primary: Requires improvement -% *This indicator has been discontinued
School Ofsted Rating - Primary: Requires improvement - numbers
School Ofsted Rating - Primary: Requires improvement - numbers *This indicator has been discontinued
School Ofsted Rating - Primary: Good -%
School Ofsted Rating - Primary: Good -% *This indicator has been discontinued
School Ofsted Rating - Primary: Good - numbers
School Ofsted Rating - Primary: Good - numbers *This indicator has been discontinued
School Ofsted Rating - Primary: Outstanding -%
School Ofsted Rating - Primary: Outstanding -% *This indicator has been discontinued
School Ofsted Rating - Primary: Outstanding - numbers
School Ofsted Rating - Primary: Outstanding - numbers *This indicator has been discontinued
Average strengths and difficulties score of the emotional and behavioural hea...
Average strengths and difficulties score of the emotional and behavioural health of children in care for more than 1 year - (Snapshot)
Slope index of inequality in life expectancy at birth - Male - (Three year pe...
Slope index of inequality in life expectancy at birth - Male - (Three year period)
Slope index of inequality in life expectancy at birth - Female - (Three year ...
Slope index of inequality in life expectancy at birth - Female - (Three year period)
Performance Indicators : Young People
Performance Indicators : Young People
% of children who received a 2-2½ year review
% of children who received a 2-2½ year review
% of children who received a 12 month review by the time they turned 15 months
% of children who received a 12 month review by the time they turned 15 months
% of children who received a 12 month review by the time they turned 12 months
% of children who received a 12 month review by the time they turned 12 months
% of infants being breastfed at 6-8wks
% of infants being breastfed at 6-8wks
% of infants who received a 6-8 week review by the time they were 8 weeks
% of infants who received a 6-8 week review by the time they were 8 weeks
% of face-to-face NBVs undertaken by a health visitor after 14 days
% of face-to-face NBVs undertaken by a health visitor after 14 days
% of births that receive a face to face New Birth Visit (NBV) by a Health Vis...
% of births that receive a face to face New Birth Visit (NBV) by a Health Visitor within 14 days
Homelessness main duty (decision) - Homeless and in priority need - Unintenti...
Homelessness main duty (decision) - Homeless and in priority need - Unintentional - (YTD) (new definition from 2018/19)
Children subject to a Child Protection Plan per 10k - (Snapshot)
Children subject to a Child Protection Plan per 10k - (Snapshot)
Children in care per 10k, excluding Short Breaks - (Snapshot)
Children in care per 10k, excluding Short Breaks - (Snapshot) This measure is the number of children and young people in care per 10,000 0-17 year olds in York. It counts the...
Total number of LA-funded out-City placements (0-19 years) - (Snapshot)
Total number of LA-funded out-City placements (0-19 years) - (Snapshot)
% of children becoming subject to a Child Protection Plan for a second or sub...
% of children becoming subject to a Child Protection Plan for a second or subsequent time - (YTD)
% of care leavers aged 19-21 (19 before 2014/15) in suitable accommodation - ...
% of care leavers aged 19-21 (19 before 2014/15) in suitable accommodation - (Snapshot)
% of final Education, Health & Care Plans issued within statutory time limits...
% of final Education, Health & Care Plans issued within statutory time limits, including exceptions (definition changed Sept 2014)
Number of Early Help Assessments initiated
Number of Early Help Assessments initiated *This indicator has been discontinued