FOI & EIR - In time - (YTD)
FOI & EIR - In time - (YTD)
EIR (Environmental Information Regulations) - Total Received - (YTD)
EIR (Environmental Information Regulations) - Total Received - (YTD)
FOI (Freedom of Information) - Total Received - (YTD)
FOI (Freedom of Information) - Total Received - (YTD)
FOI & EIR - Total Received - (YTD)
FOI & EIR - Total Received - (YTD). The Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOI) was intended to promote a culture of openness and accountability by giving people the right to...
% of dwellings with energy rating in A-C band in the EPC Register (where A is...
% of dwellings with energy rating in A-C band in the EPC Register (where A is the most energy efficient and G is the least energy efficient) - (Snapshot)
Children subject to a Child Protection Plan per 10k - (Snapshot)
Children subject to a Child Protection Plan per 10k - (Snapshot)
Children in care per 10k, excluding Short Breaks - (Snapshot)
Children in care per 10k, excluding Short Breaks - (Snapshot) This measure is the number of children and young people in care per 10,000 0-17 year olds in York. It counts the...
% of domestic violence incidents crimed
% of domestic violence incidents crimed *This indicator has been discontinued
Number of domestic violence incidents crimed
Number of domestic violence incidents crimed *This indicator has been discontinued
Number of Early Help Assessments initiated
Number of Early Help Assessments initiated
Total number of LA-funded out-City placements (0-19 years) - (Snapshot)
Total number of LA-funded out-City placements (0-19 years) - (Snapshot)
DOG BINS - Number of issues reported
DOG BINS - Number of issues reported
LITTER BINS - Number of issues reported
LITTER BINS - Number of issues reported
GRAFFITI - Number of issues reported
GRAFFITI - Number of issues reported
Calls for Service - Vegetation (includes weeds and overgrown hedges)
Calls for Service - Vegetation (includes weeds and overgrown hedges)
FLY-TIPPING - Number of issues reported
FLY-TIPPING - Number of issues reported
Number of Reports of Domestic Abuse Incidents reported to NYP (York only)
Number of Reports of Domestic Abuse Incidents reported to NYP (York only)
Number of Incidents of Violent crime within the CIZ
Number of Incidents of Violent crime within the CIZ
Number of Incidents of ASB within the city centre ARZ
Number of Incidents of ASB within the city centre ARZ. This measure gives an understanding of the impacts of Anti-Social Behaviour on Leisure and Culture, and therefore the...
Number of Incidents of Violent Crime Within the ARZ
Number of Incidents of Violent Crime Within the ARZ
Overall Violence (Violence Against Person Def.)
Overall Violence (Violence Against Person Def.)
NYP Recorded ASB Calls for Service
NYP Recorded ASB Calls for Service
Criminal damage (excl. 59)
Criminal damage (excl. 59)
Theft or unauthorised taking of a cycle
Theft or unauthorised taking of a cycle