Road Condition Survey 2023-2024
The data published within this resource represents an ongoing dataset of automated surface condition surveys which are carried out by the City of York Council (CoYC) in order to...
Corporate Improvement Framework Consultation 2024/25
This is the results of the Corporate Improvement Framework consultation with residents, partners, businesses and elected members. This is the start of our continuous improvement...
Housing Affordability Summary
The Housing Affordability Summary provides a broad overview of the availability and affordability of privately owned and social housing and also looks at the affordability of...
York at a Glance
This document contains some key facts about York and the context in which we deliver our services.
CYC Procurement Waivers
CYC Procurement Waivers. This dataset is updated quarterly.
Air Quality Diffusion Tubes
Locations of diffusion tubes for monitoring NO2 levels in York, along with their latest available bias corrected annual mean values. Values currently displayed correspond to...
Councillor Parking Permits
This dataset contains historic and current Councillors' parking permits. Please note that the data is a snapshot as of the value displayed in the SnapshotDate field.
E-Scooter Parking Bays
York’s micromobility trial was completed at the end of May 2024. All e-bikes and e-scooters provided by the contractor, TIER, are currently being removed from the city. The...
Trade Union Facility Time
The following information notes which Trade Unions are represented within this authority, gives the total number of staff who are union representatives and a basic estimate of...
Children, Education and Communities – Temporary Staffing Figures
Temporary staffing figures for City of York Council directorate Children, Education and Communities. Details shown are the costs and the FTE (full time equivalent) for each...
Grants to Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise Organisations
Grants to Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise Organisations in York. The information is updated on an annual basis for the previous calendar year.
Senior Officers Salary Data
Senior Officers Salary Data
Organisation Chart
Organisation Chart covering staff in the top levels of the organisation. For further details on salaries, please visit Senior Salaries.
CYC Ethnicity Pay Gap
CYC's annual ethnicity pay gap report including all CYC staff but excluding all schools staff and councillors.
School level data for allocated preferences in junior admissions rounds
This dataset contains details of allocated preferences in past junior admissions rounds - that is when applications are received for York children starting junior school in Year...
School level data for allocated preferences in primary admissions round
This dataset contains details of allocated preferences in past primary admissions rounds - that is when applications are received for York children starting primary or infant...
Sensory Support Survey - Results
City of York Council conducted a survey so we could hear from people who use sensory support services, and those who might need to in the future (and their families and carers)....
Fraud Data
Data on fraud investigation carried out by City of York Council – use of powers, number of investigators and investigations, and monetary value of fraud identified. This data...
CYC's Constitution - Live Link
Live link to City of York Council's Constitution documents.
Historic preference percentages for admissions rounds
This dataset details the breakdown of preferences allocated their 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th preference for previous admissions rounds - when applications are received for York...
School level data for allocated preferences in secondary admissions rounds
This dataset contains details of allocated preferences in past junior admissions rounds - that is when applications are received for York children starting secondary school in...
School level data for all preferences in secondary admissions rounds
This dataset contains details of all preferences in past secondary admissions rounds - that is when applications are received for York children starting secondary school in Year...
Applicant level data for primary admissions rounds
This dataset contains details of all applicants in past primary admissions rounds - that is when applications are received for York children starting primary or infant school in...
Applicant level data for junior admissions rounds
This dataset contains details of all applicants in past junior admissions rounds - that is when applications are received for York children starting junior school in Year 3 for...
JSA & UC Briefings 2023/24
This dataset contains monthly briefings on Job Seekers Allowances (JSA) and Universal Credit (UC) for the City of York. For some of the raw data behind these briefings please...