Business Rates - Rateable Value
Business Rates - Rateable Value Business rates are charged on most non-domestic properties like shops, offices, pubs, warehouses, factories, holiday rental homes or guest...
Forecast Budget Outturn (£000s Overspent / -Underspent) (excluding contingenc...
Forecast Budget Outturn (£000s Overspent / -Underspent) (excluding contingency) - CYC This measure gives an understanding of the planning process of the council's expenditure....
Forecast Budget Outturn (£000s Overspent / -Underspent) - All Directorates
Forecast Budget Outturn (£000s Overspent / -Underspent) - All Directorates
Increase in % of businesses paying real Living Wage
Increase in % of businesses paying real Living Wage
Total number of Adults receiving paid packages of care - (Snapshot)
Total number of Adults receiving paid packages of care - (Snapshot)
% of Reviews that result in reduced level of formal care & support - (Rolling...
% of Reviews that result in reduced level of formal care & support - (Rolling 12 Months)
% of contacts to ASC Community Team that are resolved with information/advice...
% of contacts to ASC Community Team that are resolved with information/advice/guidance (IAG)
% of children becoming subject to a Child Protection Plan for a second or sub...
% of children becoming subject to a Child Protection Plan for a second or subsequent time - (YTD)
% of children ceasing to be subject to a Child Protection Plan who had been t...
% of children ceasing to be subject to a Child Protection Plan who had been the subject of a CPP continuously for two years or longer - (YTD)
% of care leavers aged 19-21 (19 before 2014/15) in employment, education or ...
% of care leavers aged 19-21 (19 before 2014/15) in employment, education or training - (Snapshot)
% of care leavers aged 19-21 (19 before 2014/15) in suitable accommodation - ...
% of care leavers aged 19-21 (19 before 2014/15) in suitable accommodation - (Snapshot)
% of Year 12-13 (academic age 16-17) young people who are not in education, e...
% of Year 12-13 (academic age 16-17) young people who are not in education, employment or training (NEET) - (Snapshot)
% of final Education, Health & Care Plans issued within statutory time limits...
% of final Education, Health & Care Plans issued within statutory time limits, including exceptions (definition changed Sept 2014)
% of businesses reporting that the information provided was useful
% of businesses reporting that the information provided was useful *This indicator has been discontinued
Total CO2 emissions per capita (t) (Rank out of 64)
Total CO2 emissions per capita (t) (Rank out of 64) *This indicator has been discontinued
Number of Early Help Assessments initiated
Number of Early Help Assessments initiated *This indicator has been discontinued
Average broadband download speed (Mb/s)
Average broadband download speed (Mb/s) *This indicator has been discontinued
Automatic Traffic Counters Data
This dataset contains count data aggregated by hour for each of the automatic traffic counters (ATC) upgraded as part of City of York Council's STEP project. Please note that...
Major Projects Highlight Reports
Monthly highlight reports for major City of York Council projects. Highlight reports are produced throughout the project lifecycle, they provide the board...
Members Allowances
Members Allowances – Monthly from December 2010 onwards (format changed in January 2012) These allowances and expenses are paid direct to Members on a monthly basis. Details of...
Brownfield Land Register
In 2017, the Secretary of State introduced the requirement for all local planning authorities in England to prepare, maintain and publish registers of previously developed land...
York Ward Profiles 2024-25 Q2
These are the York ward profiles containing information up to September 2024 on the 21 electoral wards using the post May 2015 election boundaries.
JSA & UC Briefings 2024/25
This dataset contains monthly briefings on Job Seekers Allowances (JSA) and Universal Credit (UC) for the City of York. For some of the raw data behind these briefings please...
Consultation Privacy Notices - Archived
Privacy notices used in past City of York Council consultations. For live consultation privacy notices please see the consultation privacy notices page.
Chief Officers Remuneration
Chief Officers Remuneration