Talking Signs
Talking signs in York. For further information please visit City of York Council's website. *Please note that the data published within this dataset is a live API link to CYC's...
Sexual Health Services
Sexual health services in York. For further information please visit City of York Council's website. *Please note that the data published within this dataset...
Location of pharmacies in York For details about pharmacies and opening times please see the NHS Choices website *Please note that the data published within this dataset is a...
GP Surgeries
GP surgeries in York. For further information about GP surgeries please see the NHS Choices website. *Please note that the data published within this dataset is a live API link...
PSPO & Alcohol Restriction Zones
Dataset containing current and historic Public Space Protection Orders (PSPOs) , including Alcohol Restriction Zones (ARZ) in York. Please note that Designated Public Place...
% of women who smoke at the time of delivery - (VoY CCG)
% of women who smoke at the time of delivery - (VoY CCG)
Buildings and Street Lighting - Total - Activity (kWh)
Buildings and Street Lighting - Total - Activity (kWh)
%pt gap between disadvantaged pupils (eligible for FSM in the last 6 years, c...
%pt gap between disadvantaged pupils (eligible for FSM in the last 6 years, children in care and adopted from care) and their peers achieving 9-4 in English & Maths at Key...
% of pupils achieving 9-4 or above in English & Maths at Key Stage 4 (C or ab...
% of pupils achieving 9-4 or above in English & Maths at Key Stage 4 (C or above before 2016/17)
Average Progress 8 score from Key Stage 2 to Key Stage 4
Average Progress 8 score from Key Stage 2 to Key Stage 4 Progress 8 is a measure of attainment progress made by pupils between Key Stage 2 (age 10-11) and selected subjects at...
Level of CO2 emissions from council buildings and operations (tonnes of carbo...
Level of CO2 emissions from council buildings and operations (tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent)
Carbon emissions across the city (tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent) - (Cal...
Carbon emissions across the city (tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent) - (Calendar Year)
% of children who have achieved a Good Level of Development (GLD) at Foundati...
% of children who have achieved a Good Level of Development (GLD) at Foundation Stage - (Snapshot)
Population vaccination coverage - Dtap / IPV / Hib (2 year old)
Population vaccination coverage - Dtap / IPV / Hib (2 year old)
Local bus passenger journeys originating in the authority area (excluding P&R...
Local bus passenger journeys originating in the authority area (excluding P&R) (LI 3 a) - (2009 baseline: 10,832,614) *Please note that data for the previous calendar year...
P&R Passenger Journeys - (LI 3 b) - (2009 baseline: 3,941,852)
P&R Passenger Journeys - (LI 3 b) - (2009 baseline: 3,941,852) *Please note that data for the previous calendar year is provisional until it gets validated by DfT, which...
Proportion of people who use services who feel safe
Proportion of people who use services who feel safe
Overall satisfaction of people who use services with their care and support
Overall satisfaction of people who use services with their care and support
Proportion of older people (65 and over) who were offered reablement services...
Proportion of older people (65 and over) who were offered reablement services following discharge from hospital
Proportion of older people (65 and over) who were still at home 91 days after...
Proportion of older people (65 and over) who were still at home 91 days after discharge from hospital into reablement/rehabilitation services
Long-term support needs met by admission to residential and nursing care home...
Long-term support needs met by admission to residential and nursing care homes, per 100,000 population (older people) (New definition from 2015/16) - (YTD Cumulative)
Long-term support needs met by admission to residential and nursing care home...
Long-term support needs met by admission to residential and nursing care homes, per 100,000 population (younger adults) (New definition from 2015/16) - (YTD Cumulative)
Proportion of people who use services who reported that they had as much soci...
Proportion of people who use services who reported that they had as much social contact as they would like
Proportion of adults with a learning disability who live in their own home or...
Proportion of adults with a learning disability who live in their own home or with family
Proportion of adults with a learning disability in paid employment
Proportion of adults with a learning disability in paid employment