% of Talkabout panel who disagree that to continue working in York will have ...
% of Talkabout panel who disagree that to continue working in York will have to retrain
% of Talkabout panel who agree that to continue working in York will have to ...
% of Talkabout panel who agree that to continue working in York will have to retrain
% of Talkabout panel who disagree that to develop their career need to commut...
% of Talkabout panel who disagree that to develop their career need to commute out of York
% of Talkabout panel who agree that to develop their career need to commute o...
% of Talkabout panel who agree that to develop their career need to commute out of York
% of Talkabout panel who disagree their skills and qualifications are suited ...
% of Talkabout panel who disagree their skills and qualifications are suited to jobs available in York
% of Talkabout panel who agree their skills and qualifications are suited to ...
% of Talkabout panel who agree their skills and qualifications are suited to jobs available in York
% of Talkabout panel who work outside York area
% of Talkabout panel who work outside York area
% of Talkabout panel who work inside York area
% of Talkabout panel who work inside York area
% of Talkabout panel who state it is not important that residents can influen...
% of Talkabout panel who state it is not important that residents can influence decisions in their local area
% of Talkabout panel who state it is important that residents can influence d...
% of Talkabout panel who state it is important that residents can influence decisions in their local area
% of Talkabout panel disagree their local area is a good place for children a...
% of Talkabout panel disagree their local area is a good place for children and young people to grow up
% of Talkabout panel agree their local area is a good place for children and ...
% of Talkabout panel agree their local area is a good place for children and young people to grow up
% of Talkabout panel not confident they could find information on support ava...
% of Talkabout panel not confident they could find information on support available to help people live independently
% of Talkabout panel confident they could find information on support availab...
% of Talkabout panel confident they could find information on support available to help people live independently. This is a measure of the Talkabout panel members that feel...
% of Talkabout panel disagree their local area is a place where people from d...
% of Talkabout panel disagree their local area is a place where people from different backgrounds get on well together
% of Talkabout panel agree their local area is a place where people from diff...
% of Talkabout panel agree their local area is a place where people from different backgrounds get on well together
% of Talkabout panel who disagree that they belong to their local area
% of Talkabout panel who disagree that they belong to their local area
% of Talkabout panel who agree that they belong to their local area
% of Talkabout panel who agree that they belong to their local area
% of Talkabout panel who disagree it is important to feel part of their local...
% of Talkabout panel who disagree it is important to feel part of their local area
% of Talkabout panel who agree it is important to feel part of their local area
% of Talkabout panel who agree it is important to feel part of their local area
% of Talkabout panel disagree the council treated them fairly and with respec...
% of Talkabout panel disagree the council treated them fairly and with respect in the last 12 months
% of Talkabout panel agree the council treated them fairly and with respect i...
% of Talkabout panel agree the council treated them fairly and with respect in the last 12 months
% of Talkabout panel dissatisfied with York as a place to live
% of Talkabout panel dissatisfied with York as a place to live
% of Talkabout panel satisfied with York as a place to live
% of Talkabout panel satisfied with York as a place to live
% of Talkabout panel disagree the council provides value for money
% of Talkabout panel disagree the council provides value for money