% of businesses reporting that the information provided was useful
% of businesses reporting that the information provided was useful *This indicator has been discontinued
Average broadband download speed (Mb/s)
Average broadband download speed (Mb/s) *This indicator has been discontinued
Footfall in the centre of York. City of York Council is currently working with the 3rd party provider on the relocation of some of the footfall cameras to improve their...
Taxi Licences
Licences are renewed annually: • Hackney carriage vehicles on 1st of June • Private hire vehicles on...
% of vacant premises (local measure including retail, recreation and service ...
% of vacant premises (local measure including retail, recreation and service outlets) - City Centre
Benefits % calls answered in 20 seconds - TOTAL
Benefits % calls answered in 20 seconds - TOTAL
Footfall in Customer Centre - Average wait time (Minutes)
Footfall in Customer Centre - Average wait time (Minutes)
Footfall in Customer Centre - % served within target wait time
Footfall in Customer Centre - % served within target wait time
YFAS CTS Discretionary (£) TOTAL - (YTD)
YFAS CTS Discretionary (£) TOTAL - (YTD)
YFAS Community payments (£) TOTAL - (YTD)
YFAS Community payments (£) TOTAL - (YTD)
YFAS Emergency payments (£) TOTAL - (YTD)
YFAS Emergency payments (£) TOTAL - (YTD)
Parliament Street Footfall
Parliament Street Footfall
Sessions on visityork.org
Sessions on "visityork.org"
Visits to Attractions: Small Attractions
Visits to Attractions: Small Attractions
Visits to Attractions: Big Attractions
Visits to Attractions: Big Attractions
Average Room Rate
Average Room Rate
% of customers who were satisfied with the overall level of service provided
% of customers who were satisfied with the overall level of service provided
% of businesses reporting that they were treated fairly
% of businesses reporting that they were treated fairly
% of businesses reporting that contact with officers was helpful
% of businesses reporting that contact with officers was helpful
Survival of Newly Born Businesses post 1 year
Survival of Newly Born Businesses post 1 year
Performance Indicators : Business and Economy
Key Performance Indicators related to Business and Economy
% of vacant premises (local measure including retail, recreation and service ...
% of vacant premises (local measure including retail, recreation and service outlets) - Haxby Village
% of vacant premises (local measure including retail, recreation and service ...
% of vacant premises (local measure including retail, recreation and service outlets) - Acomb
% of vacant premises (local measure including retail, recreation and service ...
% of vacant premises (local measure including retail, recreation and service outlets) - Monks Cross
% of vacant premises (local measure including retail, recreation and service ...
% of vacant premises (local measure including retail, recreation and service outlets) - Clifton Moor