York Open Data Statistics
Data on York Open Data's performance
Members Allowances
Members Allowances – Monthly from December 2010 onwards (format changed in January 2012) These allowances and expenses are paid direct to Members on a monthly basis. Details of...
Automatic Traffic Counters Data
This dataset contains count data aggregated by hour for each of the automatic traffic counters (ATC) upgraded as part of City of York Council's STEP project. Please note that...
Senior Officers Expenses – Monthly from July 2013 onwards
Senior Officers Expenses – Monthly from July 2013 onwards
Members Travel (paid for by CYC – separate to allowances)
Members Travel (paid for by CYC – separate to allowances) – Individual journeys from April 2013 onwards These allowances and expenses are paid direct to Members on a monthly...
All Payments to Suppliers
Payments to suppliers made by City of York Council from April 2011 onwards. Resources are split according to financial years. Date: The date shown is the date the transaction...
Children, Education and Communities – Temporary Staffing Figures
Temporary staffing figures for City of York Council directorate Children, Education and Communities. Details shown are the costs and the FTE (full time equivalent) for each...
CYC Budget Consultation
City of York Council (CYC) carries out budget consultations asking residents of York to complete a questionnaire giving them the opportunity to put forward their views to help...
Number of children entering care who have previously been looked after, exclu...
Number of children entering care who have previously been looked after, excluding Short Breaks - (YTD)
Number of referrals to Children's Social Care - (YTD)
Number of referrals to Children's Social Care - (YTD)
Number of unique users on york.gov.uk – (where cookies consented)
Number of unique users on york.gov.uk – (where cookies consented)
YCC % Calls Answered - TOTAL
YCC % Calls Answered - TOTAL *This indicator has been discontinued
YCC % Calls answered in 20 seconds - TOTAL
YCC % Calls answered in 20 seconds - TOTAL *This indicator has been discontinued
YCC Number of calls offered - Parking
YCC Number of calls offered - Parking
Customer Centre Tickets issued - Parking
Customer Centre Tickets issued - Parking
Footfall in Customer Centre - Average wait time (Minutes)
Footfall in Customer Centre - Average wait time (Minutes)
Footfall in Customer Centre - % served within target wait time
Footfall in Customer Centre - % served within target wait time
Number of YFAS applications - Grand Total - (YTD)
Number of YFAS applications - Grand Total - (YTD)
YFAS CTS Discretionary (£) TOTAL - (YTD)
YFAS CTS Discretionary (£) TOTAL - (YTD)
YFAS CTS Discretionary (£) TOTAL - (YTD)
YFAS CTS Discretionary (£) TOTAL - (YTD)
YFAS Community payments (£) TOTAL - (YTD)
YFAS Community payments (£) TOTAL - (YTD)
YFAS Community payments (£) TOTAL - (YTD)
YFAS Community payments (£) TOTAL - (YTD)
YFAS Emergency payments (£) TOTAL - (YTD)
YFAS Emergency payments (£) TOTAL - (YTD)
YFAS Emergency payments (£) TOTAL - (YTD)
YFAS Emergency payments (£) TOTAL - (YTD)
Number of cases referred to the Ombudsman - Waste
Number of cases referred to the Ombudsman - Waste