Cancer screening coverage - breast cancer (% eligible women screened adequate...
Cancer screening coverage - breast cancer (% eligible women screened adequately within previous 3 years)
Hospital admissions caused by unintentional and deliberate injuries in childr...
Hospital admissions caused by unintentional and deliberate injuries in children (aged 0-14 years) (per 10,000 resident population)
Injuries due to falls in people aged 65 and over (per 100,000 population)
Injuries due to falls in people aged 65 and over (per 100,000 population)
Life Expectancy at birth - Female
Life Expectancy at birth - Female
Admitted to hospital with alcohol-related conditions (Narrow): Females, all a...
Admitted to hospital with alcohol-related conditions (Narrow): Females, all ages (per 100,000 population)
Admitted to hospital with alcohol-related conditions (Narrow): Males, all age...
Admitted to hospital with alcohol-related conditions (Narrow): Males, all ages (per 100,000 population)
Admitted to hospital with alcohol-related conditions (Broad): Females, all ag...
Admitted to hospital with alcohol-related conditions (Broad): Females, all ages (per 100,000 population)
Admitted to hospital with alcohol-related conditions (Broad): Males, all ages...
Admitted to hospital with alcohol-related conditions (Broad): Males, all ages (per 100,000 population)
Admitted to hospital with alcohol-specific conditions: Females, all ages (per...
Admitted to hospital with alcohol-specific conditions: Females, all ages (per 100,000 population)
Admitted to hospital with alcohol-specific conditions: Males, all ages (per 1...
Admitted to hospital with alcohol-specific conditions: Males, all ages (per 100,000 population)
Under 18s admitted to hospital with alcohol-specific conditions (per 100,000 ...
Under 18s admitted to hospital with alcohol-specific conditions (per 100,000 population)
Alcohol-related mortality: Females, all ages (per 100,000 population)
Alcohol-related mortality: Females, all ages (per 100,000 population)
Alcohol-related mortality: Males, all ages (per 100,000 population)
Alcohol-related mortality: Males, all ages (per 100,000 population)
Absolute gap in % of children who reach expected level of development at 2-2....
Absolute gap in % of children who reach expected level of development at 2-2.5 years of age between highest and lowest York ward (4 yr aggregated)
% of children who received a 2-2½ year review
% of children who received a 2-2½ year review
% of children who received a 12 month review by the time they turned 15 months
% of children who received a 12 month review by the time they turned 15 months
% of children who received a 12 month review by the time they turned 12 months
% of children who received a 12 month review by the time they turned 12 months
% of infants being breastfed at 6-8wks
% of infants being breastfed at 6-8wks
% of infants who received a 6-8 week review by the time they were 8 weeks
% of infants who received a 6-8 week review by the time they were 8 weeks
% of face-to-face NBVs undertaken by a health visitor after 14 days
% of face-to-face NBVs undertaken by a health visitor after 14 days