Performance Indicators : Health
Key Performance Indicators related to Health
% of children who received a 2-2½ year review
% of children who received a 2-2½ year review
% of children who received a 12 month review by the time they turned 15 months
% of children who received a 12 month review by the time they turned 15 months
% of children who received a 12 month review by the time they turned 12 months
% of children who received a 12 month review by the time they turned 12 months
% of infants being breastfed at 6-8wks
% of infants being breastfed at 6-8wks
% of infants who received a 6-8 week review by the time they were 8 weeks
% of infants who received a 6-8 week review by the time they were 8 weeks
% of face-to-face NBVs undertaken by a health visitor after 14 days
% of face-to-face NBVs undertaken by a health visitor after 14 days
% of births that receive a face to face New Birth Visit (NBV) by a Health Vis...
% of births that receive a face to face New Birth Visit (NBV) by a Health Visitor within 14 days
HIV late diagnosis
HIV late diagnosis
Suicide rate (per 100,000 population)
Suicide rate (per 100,000 population)
Under 18 conceptions: conceptions in those aged under 16 (per 1,000 females a...
Under 18 conceptions: conceptions in those aged under 16 (per 1,000 females aged 13-15) (Calendar Year)
Odds of current smoking (self-reported) among adults aged 18-64 with a routin...
Odds of current smoking (self-reported) among adults aged 18-64 with a routine and manual occupation (APS) (2020 definition)
Smoking Prevalence in adults (18+) - current smokers (APS) (2020 definition)
Smoking Prevalence in adults (18+) - current smokers (APS) (2020 definition)
Smoking prevalence among adults aged 18-64 in routine and manual occupations ...
Smoking prevalence among adults aged 18-64 in routine and manual occupations (APS) (2020 definition)
Absolute gap in % of Year 6 recorded overweight (incl. obesity) between highe...
Absolute gap in % of Year 6 recorded overweight (incl. obesity) between highest and lowest York ward (3 year aggregated)
Absolute gap in % of Reception recorded overweight (incl. obesity) between hi...
Absolute gap in % of Reception recorded overweight (incl. obesity) between highest and lowest York ward (3 year aggregated)
Absolute gap in % of Reception recorded obesity between highest and lowest Yo...
Absolute gap in % of Reception recorded obesity between highest and lowest York ward (3 year aggregated)
% of reception year children recorded as being overweight (incl. obese) (sing...
% of reception year children recorded as being overweight (incl. obese) (single year)
% of children in Year 6 recorded as being obese (single year)
% of children in Year 6 recorded as being obese (single year)
% of reception year children recorded as being obese (single year)
% of reception year children recorded as being obese (single year)