Food Hygiene Rating
City of York Council’s data on Food Hygiene Rating in the city. The food hygiene rating or inspection result given to a business reflects the standards of food hygiene found on...
Organisation Chart
Organisation Chart covering staff in the top levels of the organisation. For further details on salaries, please visit Senior Salaries.
CYC's Constitution - Live Link
Live link to City of York Council's Constitution documents.
Procurement Information
For further information please visit City of York Council website
Local Street Gazetteer
Local Street Gazetteer for York This data is published under the INSPIRE end user licence *Please note that the data published within this dataset is a live API link to CYC's...
Local Land and Property Gazetteers
Local Land and Property Gazetteers for York This data is published under the INSPIRE end user licence *Please note that the data published within this dataset is a live API link...
Waste Collection Lookup
Link to CYC's online application to find out refuse and recycling collections dates by postcode. Also includes the public API and API documentation for retrieving collection...
GIS 3rd Party
This dataset contains a list of useful links to 3rd party GIS open resources
York Open Service Directory
York Open Service Directory is a database of thousands of groups, activities, services, venues, childcare provision, adult social care services and more! All the information is...
Joint Strategic Needs Assessment
Every Health and Wellbeing Board produces and publishes a Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA), which analyses and identifies the current and future health and wellbeing...
Business Carbon Footprint of Northern Powergrid (Yorkshire)
The following dataset shows the business carbon footprint and fuel breakdown of the Yorkshire branch of Northern Powergrid. Figures are reported by calendar year. As a result,...
rsdeploy.exe is a command line tool to deploy SQL Server Reporting Services assets. It uses the Report Server Web Service to upload data sources and reports. When used with a...
CYC GitHub
Link to City of York Council's GitHub account
Daily Customer Meter Data - local area study
A dataset showing daily water consumption readings in cubic metres (m3) from internal and/or external meters in a discrete study in two distribution management areas (DMAs) in...
Domestic Consumption Monitor - monthly meter readings
Monthly meter readings expressed as mean litres/day. These readings are of customers paying their bill by rateable value. Customers have been selected to be representative of...
Current Incidents Information Feed
Information Feed about Yorkshire Water Current Investments, in JSON format. *This dataset has been published within the York Open Data thanks to the courtesy of Leeds Data Mill
Water Quality Postcode Look-up
Yorkshire Water's Water Quality Postcode look-up in XML format. Change the final parameter to match the postcode you would like to query (postcode format example = yo16ga for...