Consultation Privacy Notices
Privacy notices used in recent City of York Council consultations. For past consultation privacy notices please see the archived consultation privacy notices page. For further...
JSA & UC Briefings 2024/25
This dataset contains monthly briefings on Job Seekers Allowances (JSA) and Universal Credit (UC) for the City of York. For some of the raw data behind these briefings please...
Footfall in the centre of York from 2009 onwards. City of York Council is currently working with the 3rd party provider on the relocation of some of the footfall cameras to...
Major Projects Highlight Reports
Monthly highlight reports for major City of York Council projects. Highlight reports are produced throughout the project lifecycle, they provide the board...
York Profile
York Profile.
York Ward Profiles 2024-25 Q3
These are the York ward profiles containing information up to December 2024 on the 21 electoral wards using the post May 2015 election boundaries.
Executive Member Portfolio Scorecards 2024-2025
Executive Member scorecards show progress against key performance indicators for areas under each Executive Member portfolio.
10 Year Strategy Scorecards 2024-2025
These scorecards show progress against key performance indicators for the Climate Change, Economy and Health and Wellbeing 10-Year Strategies. For further information and to...
CYC Budget Consultation
City of York Council (CYC) carries out budget consultations asking residents of York to complete a questionnaire giving them the opportunity to put forward their views to help...
Brownfield Land Register
In 2017, the Secretary of State introduced the requirement for all local planning authorities in England to prepare, maintain and publish registers of previously developed land...
York Ward Profiles 2024-25 Q2
These are the York ward profiles containing information up to September 2024 on the 21 electoral wards using the post May 2015 election boundaries.
Consultation Privacy Notices - Archived
Privacy notices used in past City of York Council consultations. For live consultation privacy notices please see the consultation privacy notices page.
Chief Officers Remuneration
Chief Officers Remuneration
Tenant Satisfaction Measures
From April 2024 the council has been required to report annually to the Regulator for Social Housing on a series of tenant satisfaction measures (TSMs) including tenant...
Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings
Annual survey of hours and earnings (ASHE) in York.
York Garden Waste Subscriptions
This dataset contains detailed information on garden waste subscriptions in York at a ward level, alongside further information on eligibility and discounts.
Ward Street Cleaning - Manual
PLEASE NOTE THAT THESE SCHEDULES ARE NO LONGER VALID, BUT ARE KEPT IN THE PLATFORM FOR HISTORIC PURPOSES. Details of the previous - before 1 August 2016, and proposed - after 1...
Ward Street Cleaning - Mechanical
Details of the previous - before 1 August 2016, and proposed - after 1 August 2016, mechanical street cleaning schedules in the wards of York. For the manual schedules, please...
CYC Directorate Service Plans 2017-18
These are the directorate service plans for 2017-18, produced at the start of the financial year as per the City of York Council's performance management framework. For more...
CYC Workforce Profile – Including equalities