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Road Condition Survey 2023-2024


The data published within this resource represents an ongoing dataset of automated surface condition surveys which are carried out by the City of York Council (CoYC) in order to provide an element of the information required to prioritise schemes and help to extend the life of the UK’s public infrastructure assets.

The data shown here is for road condition surveys captured within a financial year i.e. 2023/24 is for surveys between 1st April 2023 and 31st March 2024. The data published is used within wider analysis carried out by the Highways department, to help prioritise schemes to ensure more effective maintenance of highways, as well as to monitor and improve on previous maintenance techniques.

This data is provided within a spreadsheet, but can also be viewed as a map base on the Council Yorkview platform. A simple explanation of the methodology is that each section of road that has been able to be surveyed is given a score out of 100 and the mean score is for each street is calculated out of those road section scores. Roads may have been surveyed multiple times over the course of the year. The road condition scores are then split into four general categories:

• Excellent (95-100)

• Good (90-94)

• Fair (75-89)

• Poor (<75)

The data contains records which appear to be duplicated in this dataset, where a street has two road condition scores in the same ward. This is because a street can have multiple USRNs (unique street reference number) which is used to calculate the street road condition score, however City of York Council can’t publish the USRN alongside this data giving the appearance of duplicated records. Each section of road is assigned a ward based on which ward the middle of the road segment is in, so there will also be multiple scores for roads if the road crosses over a ward boundary. This can be seen on YorkView.

It should be noted that condition data is collected covering the full CoYC road network with a condition score produced for every 10m length of carriageway surveyed. The process of averaging the data to align with the USRN does distort the Yorkview output meaning that the red/poor condition band is over represented. The Yorkview data does provide a good coarse visual guide to the condition of any particular street although the original 10m data is used for all analysis within our Asset Management Systems.

Previous road condition data pre-March 2022 has been taken down as the supplier for the road condition data for 2022/23 and 2023/24 uses a different methodology to previous road condition data published 2016-2021.

For reporting a pothole or to look at City of York Council's responsibilities for highways please visit CYC's Roads and Pavements page.

To view this data on a map base please visit YorkView.

There are also roads in the City of York Council area that are maintained by Highways England. For more information about such roads please visit the National Highways page for the North East.

Information will at a later date be held within the Council's Ward Profiles.

For further information on percentage of roads where maintenance should be considered please view the following datasets:

% of Principal roads where maintenance should be considered (NI 130-01)

% of Non-principal classified roads where maintenance should be considered (NI 130-02)

% of Unclassified roads where maintenance should be considered (old BV224b)


Additional Info

Field Value
Author City of York Council - Business Intelligence Hub
Maintainer City of York Council - Business Intelligence Hub


City of York Council



UK Open Government Licence (OGL)

[Open Data]