% of residents who agree that York is a safe city to live in, relatively free...
% of residents who agree that York is a safe city to live in, relatively free from crime and violence - Agree (All Responses) *This indicator is discontinued
% of residents who agree their local area is a place where people from differ...
% of residents who agree their local area is a place where people from different backgrounds get on well together - Agree (All Responses) *This indicator is discontinued
% of residents who agree that they belong to their local area - Agree (All Re...
% of residents who agree that they belong to their local area - Agree (All Responses) *This indicator is discontinued
% of residents who are satisfied with their local area as a place to live - S...
% of residents who are satisfied with their local area as a place to live - Satisfied (All Responses) *This indicator is discontinued
% of residents who feel its important for them to feel part of their local co...
% of residents who feel its important for them to feel part of their local community *This indicator is discontinued
Cases Closed by ASB Hub within Period - Resolved
Cases Closed by ASB Hub within Period - Resolved *This indicator has been discontinued
New Cases recorded by ASB Hub (from Feb 2015)
New Cases recorded by ASB Hub (from Feb 2015) *This indicator has been discontinued
Number of children provided with one-to-one support by IDAS
Number of children provided with one-to-one support by IDAS *This indicator has been discontinued.
Domestic Violence Occurrence Type - Other
Domestic Violence Occurrence Type - Other *This indicator has been discontinued
Domestic Violence Occurrence Type - PSW Domestic Incident
Domestic Violence Occurrence Type - PSW Domestic Incident *This indicator has been discontinued
Domestic Violence Occurrence Type - Crime Violence
Domestic Violence Occurrence Type - Crime Violence *This indicator has been discontinued
% of domestic violence incidents where children present
% of domestic violence incidents where children present *This indicator has been discontinued
Number of domestic violence incidents where children present
Number of domestic violence incidents where children present *This indicator has been discontinued
% of domestic violence incidents involving arrest
% of domestic violence incidents involving arrest *This indicator has been discontinued
Number of domestic violence incidents involving arrest
Number of domestic violence incidents involving arrest *This indicator has been discontinued
Calls for Service - Cleansing
Calls for Service - Cleansing *This indicator has been discontinued
Salt Bins Location in York
Salt Bins Location in York. *Please note that the data published within this dataset is a live API link to CYC's GIS server. Any changes made to the master copy of the data will...
Cold Calling Controlled Zones
Cold Calling Controlled Zones in York. *Please note that the data published within this dataset is a live API link to CYC's GIS server. Any changes made to the master copy of...
Litter Bins and Dog Bins
Location of litter bins and dog bins in York. For further information about litter and litter bins please visit the City of York Council website. *Please note that the data...
Number of Alcohol related ASB incidents
Number of Alcohol related ASB incidents *This indicator has been discontinued
Domestic Violence % Repeat Incidents
Domestic Violence % Repeat Incidents *This indicator has been discontinued
Domestic Violence Incidents Level - Medium Risk
Domestic Violence Incidents Level - Medium Risk *This indicator has been discontinued
Domestic Violence % Incidents Level - Medium Risk
Domestic Violence % Incidents Level - Medium Risk *This indicator has been discontinued
Domestic Violence % Incidents Level - Standard Risk
Domestic Violence % Incidents Level - Standard Risk *This indicator has been discontinued
Domestic Violence Number of Repeat Incidents
Domestic Violence Number of Repeat Incidents *This indicator has been discontinued