CYC Workforce Profile – Including equalities
Equalities Profiles - Talkabout
Local Transport Plan Consultation 2024
This information is being published so that can be used for research projects / ransparency, and recognised that the data is both detailed, and requires specialist GIS software...
Front Street Improvements
Front Street is an important high street in Acomb, York. It plays a vital role in the community and the wider city and is home to many established and well-loved local...
Chief Officers' Declarations of Interest
York's Chief Officers' Declarations of Interest
CYC Service Plans 2023-24
These are the service plans for 2023-24, covering the financial year as per the City of York Council's performance management framework. For more details...
York Ward Profiles 2024-25 Q1
These are the York ward profiles containing information up to June 2024 on the 21 electoral wards using the post May 2015 election boundaries.
CYC Productivity Plan - July 2024
Councils across the United Kingdom were asked to submit a short productivity plan to MHCLG in July 2024 covering high level approach to transformation, technology, spend and...
Parking Report
The local government transparency code requires local authorities to publish information on annual parking income and expenditure, and how the surplus is re-invested, as well as...
Retention Schedules
Retention schedules for corporate records at City of York Council.
City Outcomes and Council Plan Delivery
For further information on the 2023-27 Council Plan and to download the plan in full please visit CYC’s Council Plan page For a detailed snapshot...
10 Year Strategy Scorecards 2023-2024
These scorecards show progress against key performance indicators for the Climate Change, Economy and Health and Wellbeing 10-Year Strategies. For further information and to...
Executive Member Portfolio Scorecards 2023-2024
Executive Member scorecards show progress against key performance indicators for areas under each Executive Member portfolio.
York Ward Profiles 2023-24
These are the York ward profiles containing information up to March 2024 on the 21 electoral wards using the post May 2015 election boundaries.
Corporate Improvement Framework Consultation 2024/25
This is the results of the Corporate Improvement Framework consultation with residents, partners, businesses and elected members. This is the start of our continuous improvement...
Housing Affordability Summary
The Housing Affordability Summary provides a broad overview of the availability and affordability of privately owned and social housing and also looks at the affordability of...
York at a Glance
This document contains some key facts about York and the context in which we deliver our services.
Public Sector Apprenticeship Target
This data is published in accordance with the Public Sector Apprenticeship Target. Public Bodies employing more than 250 people are required to have regard to the target of 2.3%...
Trade Union Facility Time
The following information notes which Trade Unions are represented within this authority, gives the total number of staff who are union representatives and a basic estimate of...
Senior Officers Salary Data
Senior Officers Salary Data
CYC Ethnicity Pay Gap
CYC's annual ethnicity pay gap report including all CYC staff but excluding all schools staff and councillors.
Sensory Support Survey - Results
City of York Council conducted a survey so we could hear from people who use sensory support services, and those who might need to in the future (and their families and carers)....
JSA & UC Briefings 2023/24
This dataset contains monthly briefings on Job Seekers Allowances (JSA) and Universal Credit (UC) for the City of York. For some of the raw data behind these briefings please...
Social Housing Asset Value
Local authorities must publish details of the value of social housing stock that is held in their Housing Revenue Account. The following social housing stock data must be...
York Explore Contracts
This dataset contains redacted contracts for York Explore libraries