My City Centre Summer Consultation 2021
This dataset contains the raw data and summary reports from four surveys which took place during Summer 2021 where we asked residents and businesses to feedback on ideas to make...
My City Centre Winter Consultation 2021
This dataset contains raw data from the My City Centre winter survey which asked residents to feedback on a draft vision for the city along with a summary report of findings. An...
City Centre Evacuation Zones
York City Centre Evacuation Zones. For further information about city centre evacuation zones please visit City of York Council's website. *Please note that the data published...
% of vacant shops - City Centre
% of vacant shops - City Centre
Number of vacant city centre shops
Number of vacant city centre shops
Blue Badge City Centre Access Points Usage
In October 2023 the Council Executive agreed to restore vehicle access to the city centre for Blue Badge holders and it is now a permanent feature of the city with two dedicated...
Children's Centres
Children's centres in York. For further information please visit City of York Council's website. *Please note that the data published within this dataset is a live API link to...
Number of Incidents of ASB within the city centre ARZ
Number of Incidents of ASB within the city centre ARZ. This measure gives an understanding of the impacts of Anti-Social Behaviour on Leisure and Culture, and therefore the...
Sport Centres in York
Sport Centres in York.
Visitor Information Centre Footfall
Visitor Information Centre Footfall *This indicator has been discontinued
Household Waste Recycling Centres
For further information about streets, roads and pavements - see the City of York Council website *Please note that the data published within this dataset is a live API link to...
% of vacant premises (local measure including retail, recreation and service ...
% of vacant premises (local measure including retail, recreation and service outlets) - City Centre
Customer Centre Tickets issued - Parking
Customer Centre Tickets issued - Parking
Overall Customer Centre Satisfaction (%) - CYC
Overall Customer Centre Satisfaction (%) - CYC. Customers are offered the chance to leave feedback after they contact the council's Customer Centre over the...
Index of pedestrians walking to and from the City Centre (%) (12 hour in and ...
Index of pedestrians walking to and from the City Centre (%) (12 hour in and out combined) from 2009/10 Baseline (37,278) (LI 1 (vii.i)) *Please note that data for the previous...
Footfall in Customer Centre - Average wait time (Minutes)
Footfall in Customer Centre - Average wait time (Minutes)
Footfall in Customer Centre - % served within target wait time
Footfall in Customer Centre - % served within target wait time
% of registrations of vulnerable groups living in the most deprived SOA in al...
% of registrations of vulnerable groups living in the most deprived SOA in all Children Centres - (Snapshot)...
Our Big Conversation 2022
This dataset contains findings from the Our Big Conversation Focus Groups and surveys conducted during 2022. It investigates the responses from specific demographics of York...
Our Big Conversation Summer 2021
This data set contains raw data and summary reports of two surveys which ran during 2021 for residents and businesses to share their views on three major strategic themes for...
Our Big Conversation Summer 2020
This dataset contains raw data from the online survey which ran during 2020, and the paper survey in the June 2020 edition of Our City. The consultation invited residents to...
Consultation Privacy Notices - Archived
Privacy notices used in past City of York Council consultations. For live consultation privacy notices please see the consultation privacy notices page.
Footfall in the centre of York from 2009 onwards. City of York Council is currently working with the 3rd party provider on the relocation of some of the footfall cameras to...
Blue Badge Access Consultation - Phase 1
The first phase of consultation focussed on the 5 principles that, if approved, will help shape an Executive report in October 2023. Return to previous access - to revert...
Footstreets and Blue Badge Parking Survey 2020
This dataset contains the raw data from a survey carried out online and through the September issue of Our City. The results will be used to inform proposals for the future of...