Number of bus lane Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs) issued - Coppergate
Number of bus lane Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs) issued - Coppergate
Non-domestic receipts collected in year (£m) - (YTD)
Non-domestic receipts collected in year (£m) - (YTD)
Benefit Reception Numbers
Benefit Reception Numbers
% reduction in council tax prior year's balances - (YTD)
% reduction in council tax prior year's balances - (YTD)
% reduction in non-domestic rates prior year's balances - (YTD)
% reduction in non-domestic rates prior year's balances - (YTD)
% of non-domestic rates collected in year - (YTD)
% of non-domestic rates collected in year - (YTD)
Council tax receipts collected in year (£m) - (YTD)
Council tax receipts collected in year (£m) - (YTD)
% of council tax collected in year - (YTD)
% of council tax collected in year - (YTD)
% of Year 12-13 (academic age 16-17) NEET who possess less than a L2 qualific...
% of Year 12-13 (academic age 16-17) NEET who possess less than a L2 qualification (New definition Jan 2017) - (Snapshot)
Survival of Newly Born Businesses post 1 year
Survival of Newly Born Businesses post 1 year
Number of MARAC cases Discussed
Number of MARAC cases Discussed *This indicator has been discontinued
% of alcohol users in treatment who successfully completed drug treatment (wi...
% of alcohol users in treatment who successfully completed drug treatment (without representation within 6 months)
Admitted to hospital with alcohol-related conditions (Broad): Females, all ag...
Admitted to hospital with alcohol-related conditions (Broad): Females, all ages (per 100,000 population)
Admitted to hospital with alcohol-related conditions (Broad): Males, all ages...
Admitted to hospital with alcohol-related conditions (Broad): Males, all ages (per 100,000 population)
%pt gap between disadvantaged pupils (eligible for FSM in the last 6 years, c...
%pt gap between disadvantaged pupils (eligible for FSM in the last 6 years, children in care and adopted from care) and their peers achieving 9-4 in English & Maths at Key...
% of pupils achieving 9-4 or above in English & Maths at Key Stage 4 (C or ab...
% of pupils achieving 9-4 or above in English & Maths at Key Stage 4 (C or above before 2016/17)
Average Progress 8 score from Key Stage 2 to Key Stage 4
Average Progress 8 score from Key Stage 2 to Key Stage 4 Progress 8 is a measure of attainment progress made by pupils between Key Stage 2 (age 10-11) and selected subjects at...
%pt gap in achievement between disadvantaged pupils (eligible for FSM in the ...
%pt gap in achievement between disadvantaged pupils (eligible for FSM in the last 6 years, children in care and adopted from care) and their peers - Key Stage 2 Reading, Writing...
% of Grade 1 4Cs Complaints responded to 'In Time'
% of Grade 1 4Cs Complaints responded to 'In Time'
% of Child Complaints: Upheld in Full
% of Child Complaints: Upheld in Full