York Profile
York Profile.
York Ward Profiles 2024-25 Q3
These are the York ward profiles containing information up to December 2024 on the 21 electoral wards using the post May 2015 election boundaries.
Executive Member Portfolio Scorecards 2024-2025
Executive Member scorecards show progress against key performance indicators for areas under each Executive Member portfolio.
10 Year Strategy Scorecards 2024-2025
These scorecards show progress against key performance indicators for the Climate Change, Economy and Health and Wellbeing 10-Year Strategies. For further information and to...
CYC Budget Consultation
City of York Council (CYC) carries out budget consultations asking residents of York to complete a questionnaire giving them the opportunity to put forward their views to help...
% of children entering care who have previously been looked after, excluding ...
% of children entering care who have previously been looked after, excluding Short Breaks - (YTD)
Number of children entering care who have previously been looked after, exclu...
Number of children entering care who have previously been looked after, excluding Short Breaks - (YTD)
Number of referrals to Children's Social Care - (YTD)
Number of referrals to Children's Social Care - (YTD)
Number of unique users on york.gov.uk – (where cookies consented)
Number of unique users on york.gov.uk – (where cookies consented)
Street Lighting - % of cases raised online (Oracle CRM)
Street Lighting - % of cases raised online (Oracle CRM)
STREET CLEANING - Number of issues reported
STREET CLEANING - Number of issues reported
YCC & Benefits % Calls Answered - TOTAL
YCC & Benefits % Calls Answered - TOTAL
Street Lighting - Number of issues reported online (Oracle CRM)
Street Lighting - Number of issues reported online (Oracle CRM)
YCC & Benefits % Calls answered in 20 seconds - TOTAL
YCC & Benefits % Calls answered in 20 seconds - TOTAL
Benefits % calls answered in 20 seconds - TOTAL
Benefits % calls answered in 20 seconds - TOTAL
YCC % Calls Answered - TOTAL
YCC % Calls Answered - TOTAL *This indicator has been discontinued
YCC % Calls answered in 20 seconds - TOTAL
YCC % Calls answered in 20 seconds - TOTAL *This indicator has been discontinued
YCC Number of calls offered - Parking
YCC Number of calls offered - Parking
YCC Average Speed of answer - Operators
YCC Average Speed of answer - Operators
Customer Centre Tickets issued - Parking
Customer Centre Tickets issued - Parking